God has provided us with a unique opportunity to impact the lives of others in our great city of Chicago. As we begin to shift our focus to the Beyond campaign, I would encourage you to reflect on how God has been faithful to you in your own journey of faith, and how he has continued to show himself faithful to City Church Chicago.
The stories of real life change and redemption that have come out of our church home throughout the years have been so impactful, that I believe only heaven and eternity can truly boast of. There are more foundations to be laid and much more generational work to be done, and as long as Jesus is working we will continue to keep moving forward. It’s unbelievable to see what God has done and is doing through City Church Chicago.
Looking toward the future, I am confident that our Beyond campaign will help us influence the city of Chicago like never before. With the success of this campaign, we will have a greater opportunity to touch the people of Chicago with the love of Christ, expand our outreach, grow our kids and youth programs, and so much more.
The challenge now is to give sacrificially, over and above our current giving, for the next three years. This campaign requires diligent prayer and obedience to the Spirit’s leading. I believe that our City Church family is ready for the challenge. So let us boldly declare and believe that God’s provision and grace will be more than enough in this season.
I ask that with unwavering faith and earnest prayer, you consider your personal part in this campaign. What you give is a personal decision between God and you, but the result of your giving will touch the lives of others beyond what we could even imagine. Our church is not built on the gifts and talents of a few, but on the sacrifices of many. What we can accomplish together will benefit many more lives to come.
In His name,
Pastor Kent Munsey